
Unlocking the full benefits of the IoT

Unlocking the full benefits of the IoT

The link between indoor air quality (IAQ) and academic performance has been a subject of growing interest and research in recent years. Numerous studies have shown that poor indoor air quality can have a significant impact on cognitive function, academic...

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Unlocking the full benefits of the IoT

Unlocking the full benefits of the IoT

The IoT ecosphere continues to rapidly evolve in terms of both technology and ubiquity. This is creating new opportunities for business owners to not only improve their facilities’ operations and efficiency, but also to make life more comfortable, convenient and...

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Check out FREE IoT video content on YouTube

Check out FREE IoT video content on YouTube

As a partner to AssetBook IoT UK we can recommend their brilliant YouTube Channel for FREE IoT content across all types of subject matter related to IoT. Find out more about protocols, communication methods, security and more.      Want...

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Understanding Lorawan - everything you need to know.

Understanding Lorawan - everything you need to know.

The LoRaWAN® specification is a Low Power, Wide Area (LPWA) networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery operated ‘things’ to the internet in regional, national or global networks, and targets key Internet of Things (IoT) requirements such as bi-directional communication,...

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AMP8 and Supply Chain risks - can Innovation and Tech be the solution?

AMP8 and Supply Chain risks - can Innovation and Tech be the solution?

Asset Management Period 8 or AMP8 commences on 1 April 2025 affecting all English and Welsh Water companies. The purpose of AMP periods, set by the industry regulator Ofwat, is to increase efficiency and service levels within the sector. It...

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Legionella control and compliance using IoT

Legionella control and compliance using IoT

This article is about Legionnaires disease, Legionella monitoring, Legionella monitoring and control, Legionella testing, water safety, Legionella monitoring and control, Using IoT for Legionella control, How IoT prevents Legionnaires' disease.

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